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We take responsibility and reconcile economic action with environmental and social interests for the generations of tomorrow.

Our ambition – net zero by 2050

We have clear goals that support our ambition to create a sustainable world for our customers, employees and society – for both today and tomorrow. Our vision at Franke is to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by 2050 from a 2020 base year. ​

To accelerate our progress, we have prioritized sustainability as a strategic component that encompasses, supports, and shapes all of the Group’s activities. This broader approach includes the environmental impact outside our direct operations – those generated throughout our products’ lifecycles, such as materials and supply, distribution, product usage, and end of life.

The Franke sustainability strategy pursues concrete and ambitious targets. The validation of our targets by the Science-Based Targets initiative confirms that Franke is on the right track to help combat climate change and protect our planet in the future.

Patrik Wohlhauser

CEO Franke Group

Science-Based Target initiative

Franke’s near-term and net-zero greenhousegas emission reduction targets have been validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), setting a cornerstone in our sustainability journey.

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Key figures


–23.4 % reduction in scope 1 and 2 CO₂ emissions compared to 2021.

Learning and development

2,422 LinkedIn Learning courses completed by our employees in 2022.

Quality management system

92.6 % of production sites with quality management certification in 2022.

Renewable electricity

59 % of our electricity consumption has been produced in a renewable way in 2022.