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Franke Coffee Systems in the world

Clinic Barmelweid, AG Switzerland

Barmelweid & Franke Coffee Systems, healthcare segment, building from the outside

Barmelweid has served as a small cosmos for its community for over 100 years – as a clinic and employer, local recreation area, health institution, natural habitat and training facility. But in 2014, the lack of accommodating space prompted an extensive renovation and expansion project, including a new on-site public restaurant and hotel.

With four A1000, sixteen A800 and four A600 Franke coffee machines placed throughout the grounds, every patient, staff member and visitor could simultaneously savor in the sumptuous views of the neighboring Swiss valley and their barista-quality coffee creation.

Franke in partnership

Barmelweid & Franke Coffee Systems, fully automatic coffee machine Franke A800, coffee preparation, woman preparing coffee Barmelweid & Franke Coffee Systems, fully automatic coffee machine Franke A800, payment badge, Franke payment systems
As the only clinic in north-western Switzerland to have received the quality certificate "Recognition of excellence with five stars" from the European Foundation for Quality Management, Barmelweid already operates at a luxury level. When it came to deciding which coffee systems would best complement in luxury design, quality and performance, Franke was the obvious choice for Jürg Rebholz, Barmelweid hotel manager. After a visit to our headquarters in Aarburg, Rebholz and team were convinced of replacing their existing machines from competitors with 24 Franke fully automatics – an investment and partnership they were pleased to make. "We are very impressed by the Franke coffee machines... On the one hand, design and aesthetics spoke. On the other hand, the service also convinced us. We always felt that we were being taken seriously and looked after professionally, so we have great confidence in the company...," says Rebholz.
Barmelweid & Franke Coffee Systems, Barmelweid managers, Franke Coffee Systems marketing manager
Barmelweid & Franke Coffee Systems, cafeteria, canteen, buffet, coffee “Our goal is quality leadership in all areas — including in the technical gastronomy and kitchen infrastructure. It was particularly important to us to be able to offer high-quality coffee at the Barmelweid Clinic," says Jürg Rebholz, Barmelweid Hotel Manager.

A number of features and functions compelled Rebholz to transition to Franke, among them are our innovative and integrated technologies in the A800 and A1000.

iQFlow™ enabled best-in-class aroma extraction and guaranteed coffee quality cup after cup, while FoamMaster™ ensured consistency of both hot and cold milk froth individually adapted to the selected coffee product or milk type.

The A1000 also came equipped with two coffee grinders and a three-boiler system used for hot water, coffee preparation and steam. In addition, Barmelweid also opted for a Flavor Station. Other impressive functions were the large digital interface and built-in payment system where employees could scan their personal badge for convenience choice and purchase.


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Discover the machine made for you

Whether you need to serve more people or to offer a variety of milks, Franke has the perfect coffee system for you.